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Rider Waite Tarot

The Rider Waite tarot deck is among the best known tarot deck in modern times. Many of those who use Tarot on a regular basis have acquainted themselves with this deck and many took their first steps into the fascinating world of the Tarot with this deck.

This deck is designed by  Arthur Edward Waite and they have bright and clear appearance with easily understood symbology. They contain all the relevant symbols and are excellent for both beginners and advanced users.

Because of this they are easy to learn and use. Those who have used them or learnt from them regard them warmly and with great respect.

The symbology in Major Arcana are very clear have both required depth and simplicity. This is one of the reason that this deck is so easy for beginners, everything is there and very clear.

Minor Arcana is just as easily clear and descriptive. For some the Minor Arcana in Rider-Waite Tarot is a stroke of genious for it has even more depth than many of the decks who are regarded more mystic, yet retaining its simple and modest - or light hearted - design.

Other decks put often more focus on Major Arcana and use Minor Arcana more like details for the whole, retaining its roots in Numerology and Astrology. It should not be overlooked that modern western playing cards have their roots in Minor Arcana.

Pamela Colman Smith was the artist who drew the deck according to Mr. Waites design. She had met him through mutual participation in "The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn". She had lived in Jamaica when growing up, though she was British through and through, she probably had learnt a bit about occult practices who are commonly referred to as Voodoo in Jamica.

This deck is among the most widely recognized in the world today along with Thoth and Tarot De Marseille. They are excellent for those who are beginning to tread into the World of the Tarot, especially for the clear simple genious of their symbology, making books and teachers almost unnecessary.

Therefore you can use this deck easily, even just for fun, with your friends or by yourself. You can play with laying them down, asking them questions and reflecting on them. Especially it is recommended that you try to figure out their meanings without consulting a book.


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