Fear must die for you to live! Do what you fear and the death of fear is certain & immediate!
This site was formerly opened in january 2012 but traces its roots back to the site spamadur.is which is an Icelandic website with the same features.
In the beginning the only objective of this site was to provide a simple interface to the Tarot cards.
As nothing is really simple when the Tarot - the mirror of the soul and window to the world - is concerned, it seemed appropriate to add Numerology to the site. It seemed only fitting to add an option for users to save the results from their Tarot readings and Numerology into personal profile.
It is now possible to store everything you do at Icemystic for future reference and also to edit the same material later. Therefore you can store reference to Numerology numbers for anyone in your family, or your friends, and view the information again and again through your profile
Any use of this site is free and without requirements on your behalf. You can enjoy and use.